STARC Summer Hamfest 8/13/16

STARC would like to thank everyone that braved the rainy weather today and came to our hamfest. We had a pretty decent turn out with much ARO conversation and items given out for door prizes. Some of the lucky winners were Horace N1HC, Dan N1FYL, Jake KC1FZY, and Tony WA2LRE. If you did not happen to make it to the hamfest, you missed an enjoyable time. We look forward to seeing you again next year, seeing you at one of our club meetings, or talking with you on one of the STARC sponsored repeaters or perhaps on HF.


73 de STARC

PS: Big THANKS goes to Chuck KB1RQX for the pictures.

Originally posted by Mike Gladu – STARC Technical Advisor on 2016-08-20

Author: STARC Admin

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