STARC Repeaters

STARC operates both 2m and 70cm repeaters from two locations: French Hill in St. Albans, VT, as well as from the summit of Jay Peak, VT. Between both repeater locations, we are able to provide service to the Northwestern and North-Central regions of Vermont, as well as southern Quebec, and parts of the Adirondacks in upstate New York.


Our original repeaters, N1STA, operate from atop French Hill in St. Albans, VT. From this location, we cover the northern portion of the Champlain Valley, Franklin County, and into the Monteregie region of Quebec as well as the Adirondacks of New York. Our tower can easily be seen from I-89, near exit 19. Both 2m and 70cm amateur radio repeater services are provided from this location.

N1STA VHF provides local standalone coverage. Our N1STA UHF repeater is now connected to the NFMRA network of repeaters, providing state-wide coverage.


K1JAY operates from atop the summit of Jay Peak, one of the highest mountains in Northern Vermont. This location covers the North-Central portion of the Northeast Kingdom, along with Eastern Franklin county and into the Estrie region of Quebec. K1JAY UHF now offers two separate sets of PL tones to transmit. Please use 100.0 Hz for local traffic, and 110.9 Hz to transmit over the NFMRA network of repeaters.

All of STARC’s repeaters are open to the licensed amateur radio community. Regularly scheduled Nets also take place on the N1STA 2m repeater. An updated schedule is available here.