Last Saturday, October 8th, STARC Members replaced the inside dual-band antenna at the Jay Peak repeater site. Future plans are in place to install the antenna on the roof top at a later date when the tram is back in operation and weather permits.
Many thanks go out to N1FBZ-Mike, KB1JME-David and W1EAM-Alan for all of their hard work!
Originally posted by Arn Benjamin – STARC President on 2016-10-11
I live in Richford KB1PGN . Does anybody use jay peak repeater anymore? Sutton Que. is not operating and with my ht ant. I can’t reach St.Albans!
Hi Bruce,
It can be kind of quiet, but there is a Tuesday RACES net that takes place on the K1JAY UHF repeater at 6:45pm on Tuesdays. The PL tone to access the NFMRA network on that repeater is 110.9 (not the standard 100Hz tone).
Jason / K1LOL