On Sunday, July 30th, STARC members David (KB1JME), Mike (N1FBZ), Allen (W1EAM), David (KB1RWB) and Jason (K1LOL) took the tram to the summit of Jay Peak to replace the K1JAY repeater antenna, located on the roof of the Tram House at the summit of the mountain. The weather couldn't have been better for this trip, with the temperature in the upper 70s and light wind. During the antenna replacement, the mast was repaired and the damaged jumper cable was replaced. STARC would like to thank our volunteers, we wouldn't be able to do it without their assistance and expertise.
K1JAY VHF seems to be restored to its original coverage area and strength – please give it a try and let us know what you think!
Originally posted by Jason Garneau – STARC Vice President on 2017-07-31