CT Valley FM Association – Amateur Radio Swap Fest – February 4th, 2017

This update comes to us from the Connecticut Valley FM Association:

You are invited to a Springfield Amateur Radio Swap Fest. It is sponsored by the Connecticut Valley FM Association an ARRL affiliated Amateur Radio Club.

Door Prizes, 50/50 Raffle. Coffee and donuts will be available to stave off those early morning hunger attacks.

Saturday February 4 th 2017 at the VFW Post 771, Springfield, VT is the date and place. Setup starts at 7:00AM with the main event kicking off at 8:00AM.

NOTE: The entrance to the VFW is to the right of the Mobile gas station at the junction of River Street and Route 11, across from the Springfield Shopping Plaza. Free admission for all attendees! Winning the 50/50 raffle could pay for that new handheld you always wanted or cover the cost of gas, snack, and possibly a table or two.

There will be a $5.00 per table charge for hams and vendors with a two-table maximum. Set up a table to make some room in your shack for that new radio you have been looking at and recycle some of your older equipment to another Ham. Maybe set up a table to show off your favorite aspect of the hobby. (Free tables will be available for anyone wishing to present only No selling!) Can you demonstrate your logging program, do a satellite demo, showoff your home brew antennas? This day is for “us”(you), to socialize with each other, make new friends and catch up with old friend. Bring your favorite presentation and share it with others. There will be plenty of fun, good times and good friends to be had by all.

Reserve your table by contacting CVFMA at: swapmeet@cvfma.org Additional information can be found at: http://www.cvfma.org/

Saturday Morning Talk In from the top of Mt. Ascutney on the 146.760 CVFMA repeater (‐) Pl 110.9 and on DMR Vermont talk group.

Springfield VT VFW Post 771

191 River Road

Springfield, VT 05156

Originally posted by Jason Garneau – STARC Treasurer on 2017-01-21

Author: STARC Admin

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