STARC – Supporting our community – 2016 Run for Jim – St. Albans, VT
Another safe and successful “Run for Jim” event! I want to thank the STARC club members that helped with safety communications this year! N1FBZ-Mike, N1WXB- Homer, K1LOL-Jason & Daughter, N1RUH-John, N1ARN-Arn.This years event raised $370,000 to help aide local families with the cost of fighting CANCER! Originally posted by Arn Benjamin – STARC President on 2016-05-23
Franklin County's newest and only IRLP repeater – now on the air!
STARC President Arn Benjamin (N1ARN) is now operating a new IRLP-based Inbeded Node from his QTH in Sheldon Springs, Vermont. The N1ARN Node is connected to the East Coast Reflector (9050), a well-established network of IRLP-connected repeaters that spans across the USA: Repeater Callsign: N1ARN Frequency: 147.570 – Simplex PL Tone: 67Hz IRLP Node: 8023 Repeater Coverage area: Majority of…
HERE'S HOW TO WIN IT: Attend STARC Monthly Meetings. Check into Thursday Night Net's On STARC 2m 145.230 pl.100 or 70cm 443.400 pl.162.2 repeaters @ 7 PM. Join or Renew Your STARC Membership. If you're a Non-Amateur Operator and Visit a Monthly Meeting you will receive a chance to win – and if you do – “The Franklin County W5YI…
New England QSO Party – May 7th and May 8th
The below update comes from Tom Frenay / K1KI: I'd appreciate your help in publicizing the upcoming New England QSO Party on May 7th and 8th. The NEQP is a great time to check out antenna systems and offers a moderately paced opportunity to work new states and countries. You'll find a wide variety of participants,…
K1JAY Repeaters are back on the air
As of today, the K1JAY 2m and 70cm Repeaters are back in service! They are currently on the temporary indoors antenna until better weather allows us to get up on the roof top to repair or replace the antenna. I want to personally put out a huge “Thank You” to N1FBZ-Mike and KB1JME-David… takes a “Very Dedicated Amatuer Radio Person”…
STARC Posters are now up!
The STARC Club and Hamfest posters are now up and posted at the St. Albans / Georgia rest areas on I-89. Thank you to Morris Belisle, KC1FBT for the idea! Originally posted by Jason Garneau – STARC Treasurer on 2016-03-24
QST QST QST – STARC Thursday Buy/Sell/Swap/Ragchew Net
Please join us this Thursday evening, March 24th, for the STARC Thursday Buy/Sell/Swap/Ragchew Net, at 7PM, on the N1STA VHF Repeater, 145.230 MHz, shift -600 kHz, PL 100 Hz. 73 de STARC Originally posted by Mike Gladu – STARC Technical Advisor on 2016-03-24
N1STA UHF Repeater – Now streaming online
The N1STA UHF repeater is now streaming online! Please click the N1STA UHF icon at the top-right corner of this page to listen in! Originally posted by Jason Garneau – STARC Treasurer on 2016-03-15
STARC – February Meeting Recap
STARC would like to thank everyone that braved the poor weather to attend the club meeting on Thursday, February 25th. Several topics were covered, including: IRLP Demonstration and discussion by N1ARN Discussion of the possibility of configuring IRLP on the Jay Peak VHF repeater, when back online Demonstration of the new STARC website by N1ARN Approval of STARC poster project,…
Message from Mitch W1SJ about HAM-CON 2016
” Everyone, We had a wonderful time at HAM-CON 2016 last weekend. I've made available links to some of the presentations at the show. I also have videos of two of the presentations. They are not great productions, as we don't have staff to man the camera, but you should get a good idea what was going on. There are…